Discover the true you

Personality Star brings you an eerily accurate and comprehensive personality test that indicates your Enneagram type, and one of the 16 characterisations derived from the work of Carl Jung.

Have you ever wondered why you do the things that you do, or why you react in certain ways? Are you fearful of lots of things or are you brave and confident? Do you seek lots of admiration or are you happy to be helping others more than doing things for yourself? Are you happy to go along with others’ plans and avoid causing conflict or are you quite rigid and prefer doing things where you are comfortable? Do you feel completely misunderstood and alone or do you feel energised by those around you and need constant change in order to stay happy?

All of these questions relate to personality traits that reflect your particular personality type. Information on each type and trait is available below.

The Enneagram is a map that describes and explains human behaviour in an accurate and accessible way. It shows us those common repeating patterns of behaviour that we all tend to exhibit unconsciously, and it reveals the underlying motivations or drivers of this behaviour. It’s hugely important in deepening awareness of self and of others and provides insight into the nature of our relationships. It’s hugely important in deepening awareness of self and of others and provides insight into the nature of our relationships.

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist whose research was deep-rooted in psychoanalysis.

Jung is best known for his research in personality, dream analysis and the human psyche. His theories proved to be so significant that they were made into their own school of psychotherapy: Jungian psychology, which is also called analytical psychology. Let's look deeper into the main theories of Jungian psychology.