Resource Centre

Articles to inspire you on your journey of self-awareness
What is the Enneagram?

What is the Enneagram?

You can think of the Enneagram as a map that describes and explains human behaviour in an accurate and accessible way. It shows us those common repeating patterns of behaviour...

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Why giving makes us happy

Why giving makes us happy

Research indicates that helping others lessens anxiety and increases positive feelings and feelings of satisfaction. But is this enough to explain the phenomenon of generosity?

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5 Characteristics of Grit

5 Characteristics of Grit

Again and again, teachers, professors and anyone else in the teaching professions will tell you that IQ is not the only difference between their best and worst students. Increasingly, psychologists are finding...

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Different Results

Different Results

What if my result is different from previous assessments I’ve done? This is a question that people often ask when they take an assessment and then at a later date repeat the exercise with either the same assessment or a different one.

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